today wake up very early...
to go back school...
to learn & practice our dance~ =)
v prepare it for next year geh~~~
v planned to dance using da song [ It's You ]
『chinese translation :是你~』haha XD
is from Super Junior~~~
till now, v hav only 4 ppl~
which is LinChong, YanKin, XuanYung, n ME ~~~
v considering whether wan 7ppl or jz 5ppl~~~
{ coz v nid ppl who can giv full-commitment }
k la, bout today practice~
very fast & effective neh~
v finished da steps for 1st intro n chorus ~
NICE 1 !!! LinChong!
kaka ^^
tis is becoz LinChong had create the dance steps ady o~
GenG neh~~~ =D
after practice,
i ady hungry da whole morning~
low blood sugar level... =_=
straight away had my lunch le...skip breakfast~
linchong & chiew foong go "da bao" chicken rice~
den 1pm ++ ,
walk back home lo~~~
tiring + sleepy ~~~
2moro go KTAR wif my darling~ ???
[pei & zhen]
2moro need go school again???
someone had hurts his leg...haizzz...
worry-ing nia......=.=
fast fast recover ya!